OEM ozone modules

OEM ozone modules with Whirlpool refrigerators

OEM ozone modules with Whirlpool refrigerators

OEM ozone modules

OEM ozone modules with Whirlpool refrigerators  can provide several advantages, including:

Increased shelf life: Ozone has strong disinfectant properties that can help reduce the presence of bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens that may cause food spoilage. This can extend the shelf life of foods stored in the refrigerator, reducing food waste and saving money.

Reduced odors: Ozone can also help eliminate unpleasant odors caused by bacteria or other sources. By neutralizing these odors, the air inside the refrigerator can be fresher and more pleasant to smell.

Enhanced food safety: The use of ozone can help reduce the risk of foodborne illness by destroying microorganisms that can cause infection. This can provide greater peace of mind when storing foods that are prone to contamination.

No chemicals required: Unlike traditional cleaning methods that rely on chemical disinfectants, ozone is a natural and chemical-free solution that does not leave any harmful residues on food or surfaces. This can be important for those who prefer natural or eco-friendly cleaning solutions.

Easy to install: AQUAPURE ozone modules can be easily installed in refrigerators to provide an instant ozone-generating system without requiring major modifications or complicated installation processes.

In summary, using ozone technology refrigerators via AQUAPURE OEM ozone modules can offer several advantages that can benefit customers. These include increased shelf life, reduced odors, enhanced food safety, a natural and chemical-free solution, and easy installation.

OEM ozone modules with Whirlpool refrigerators​  from AQUAPURE OZONE TETH have several advantages:

Deodorization: One of the key benefits of refrigerators with ozone modules is deodorization. Refrigerators can develop unpleasant smells due to bacteria growth, spoiled food, or other factors. The ozone module eliminates these odors by breaking down the molecules that cause them, leaving the refrigerator smelling fresh.

Preservation of Freshness: Ozone also helps preserve the freshness of food by killing bacteria and other microorganisms that cause spoilage. By reducing the bacterial load in the refrigerator, it prevents cross-contamination and extends the shelf life of food.

Easy to Use: refrigerators ozone modules  are easy to use and require minimal maintenance. Once installed, the ozone module works automatically, requiring only periodic cleaning and replacement of the ozone generator as necessary.

Environmentally Friendly: Ozone is an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional chemical deodorizers. It does not produce harmful chemicals or residues that can be harmful to people or the environment.

Energy-Efficient: refrigerators ozone modulesare energy-efficient and consume very little power. This means they won’t add to your energy bill significantly, making them a cost-effective solution for maintaining odor-free refrigerators.

Overall, the use of ozone modules in refrigerators provides an efficient, effective, and safe solution for deodorizing and preserving the freshness of food while being environmentally friendly and energy-efficient.

Triple Oxygen Therapy for Hyperlipidemia

Triple Oxygen Therapy for Hyperlipidemia

Triple Oxygen Therapy for Hyperlipidemia

A staggering 40% of individuals in our surroundings suffer from hyperlipidemia, however, a majority of these individuals do not take their abnormal blood lipid levels seriously. This results in many missing the optimal time for treatment, without realizing that hyperlipidemia-related complications result in the death of 4 million people in China every year.

Triple Oxygen Therapy for Hyperlipidemia

What risks do high blood cholesterol present?

The biggest risk from hyperlipidemia is that it contributes to atherosclerosis. Along with atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia also leads to lesions in the body’s major tissues and organs including the brain, eyes, kidneys, and heart. 

  • Obstruction of the heart’s coronary arteries, resulting in the possibility of a heart attack and sudden death
  • The build-up of plaque in the cerebral arteries increases the likelihood of conditions such as cerebral infarction, cerebral thrombosis, etc.
  • Renal artery atherosclerosis can result in renal failure and uremia.
  • Additionally, abnormal blood lipid levels might impair the optic nerve’s ability to function by obstructing blood flow to the eyes.

Why do the “three highs” prefer to travel together?

These three conditions— hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, and hypertension—are like three good brothers who love to hang out together. The occurrence of the “three highs” is a sign that the body’s metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins is altered and that they are both parts of the same metabolic syndrome.

High blood lipid levels make the blood more viscous, which leads to artery spasms and an increased risk of cardiovascular. High blood lipid patients are also more likely to develop insulin resistance, which can end in diabetes.

Frequently, high blood lipid levels are the first sign of high blood pressure, which is proceeded by high blood sugar levels in many people.

Does avoiding meat lower my blood fat levels?

 A meat-free diet can result in vitamin, protein, as well as fatty acid deficiencies, leading to a decrease in overall immunity.

High blood lipid levels are commonly caused by excessive overall food consumption. Even without meat consumption, a diet high in calorie-dense foods such as carbohydrates can result in the excess calories being converted to fat and stored in the body.

The key to managing blood lipid levels is regulating overall caloric intake, with a recommended daily intake of meat being between 80-150 grams, evenly split between aquatic, poultry, and meat products.

Controlling the total number of calories consumed is the most crucial action to take.

Are 10,000 steps of daily walking effective in reducing blood fat levels?

To successfully lower blood lipids, exercise must be performed at a specific intensity. The best way to exercise scientifically is to use a two-pronged strategy that combines endurance and strength training.

  • Interval training:Divide your workout into sets with high and low-intensity exercise, and allow your body some recuperation time in between each set. Exercising for five to eight sets per session, thrice per day, can help lower blood cholesterol levels.
  • Resistance exercise:The muscles actively engage in exercise to overcome external opposition, recover from injury, build strength, and avoid atrophy.

Important note: Before starting any physical activity to control lipid levels, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional as not all individuals with elevated blood lipids are suitable for exercise.

Can oil-free cooking reduce blood fat levels?

We come across a variety of cooking oils regularly. Rapeseed oil, soy oil, and corn oil are all sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Monounsaturated fatty acids are found in peanut, olive, and camellia oils.

Saturated fatty acids are abundant in palm oil and lard.

The ratio of saturated to monounsaturated to polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet should be 1:1:1.

Watch out for “invisible oils” in your diet, which can be found in things like chips, crisps, and puffed meals.

The risk of atherosclerosis is increased by consuming too many ultra-processed foods because they are heavy in additives and calories. The Guidelines for the Primary Health Management of Dyslipidaemia suggest a daily intake of fewer than 25 grams of cooking oil.

Hyperlipidemia, the source of vascular catastrophe!

Because of the general disregard for health issues, high blood lipid levels, sometimes known as the “invisible killer” and “culprit” of coronary heart disease, continue to be a problem.

A study revealed that 25 million adults over the age of 35 have both hyperlipidemia and hypertension bringing the total number of persons in China who suffer from dyslipidemia to 160 million.

Dyslipidaemia doesn’t have any overt symptoms, but when it starts, it can be fatal or leave you with a disability!

High blood lipids are associated with various vascular crises including atherosclerosis and blood clots.

The function of Triple Oxygen Therapy for Hyperlipidemia

In clinical settings, Hyperlipidaemia is typically managed with medication, however, this approach has a slow onset and can cause adverse effects.

The following are some benefits of triple oxygen therapy over traditional medication therapy.

  1. The pain associated with long-term oral medication is eliminated by trioxane therapy, which considerably reduces the length of the treatment.
  2. High safety: Trioxane is incredibly unstable and immediately after metabolism it breaks down into oxygen, therefore it won’t result in harmful side effects, drug addiction or resistance, long-term organ tissue damage, or secondary pollution.
  3. Effective: Trioxylated blood therapy can drastically lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, regenerate blood vessels and increase microcirculation.

Triple Oxygen Therapy for Hyperlipidemia enhances blood flow by reducing blood viscosity and increasing the oxygen-carrying capacity of red blood cells, which is beneficial for patients with cerebral thrombosis.

Triple Oxygen Therapy for Hyperlipidemia is a chemical-free and 100% natural therapy with characteristics similar to antibiotics, capable of eliminating mold, bacteria, and viruses.

Triple Oxygen Therapy quickly boosts the immune system by utilizing the strongly oxidizing properties of medical ozone to filter the blood. It oxidizes fatty substances and proteoglycan complexes, eradicates pathogenic microorganisms, and supports the body’s detoxification process by eliminating harmful pathogens.

Benefits of Trioxane therapy

Unlocking the Benefits of Trioxane therapy for Sleep and Heart Health

Unlocking the Benefits of Trioxane therapy for Sleep and Heart Health

Lack of sleep may increase a person’s risk of developing a number of chronic conditions that impact the brain and heart including obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and dementia. The risk of cardiovascular disease in older persons may be increased by inadequate sleep, excessive sleep, napping, or irregular sleep patterns, according to new research that was published recently in the Journal of the American Heart Association.

Benefits of Trioxane therapy

“For individuals in their middle years and beyond, getting enough sleep is crucial to maintaining healthy hearts.”

One of Potential of Trioxane Blood  Trioxane autologous blood treatment increases artery wall relaxation and dilatation while reducing blood viscosity and thickness to facilitate blood circulation.

Lipids and amino acid bonds interact with the triple oxygen molecules. As a result, it leads to the formation of peroxides, and they can pass through cell membranes to improve cell oxygenation as well as boost enzymatic synthesis.  Additionally, the stimulation of the enzyme diphosphoglycerate (DPG) by trioxides enables the red blood cells to release more oxygen. As a result, the amount of oxygen delivered to each cell in the body naturally increases, aiding in the improvement of the brain’s blood supply.

Triple oxygen therapy is a novel technique to increase blood flow to the brain without using drugs.

Benefits of Trioxane therapy-12 Advantages of Triple Oxygen Therapy

  1. Benefits of Trioxane therapy-Immunomodulatory

Asthma is a persistent condition characterized by inflammation, and those who suffer from it often exhibit elevated levels of inflammatory markers in their blood, resulting in oxidative stress. A groundbreaking study from 2005 revealed that consistent trioxane therapy could effectively curb these markers and modulate oxidative stress through its ability to act as an immunomodulator, meaning it can manipulate the immune system’s response to inflammation. Additionally, a comprehensive literature review from 1995 concluded that trioxane therapy can produce a “significant impact on the overall immunity”.

  1. Benefits of Trioxane therapy-Antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial characteristics

With the possible extinction of antibiotics in sight, researchers have been searching for novel approaches to treat harmful bacteria as well as viral and fungal illnesses.

That is trioxotherapy. Numerous pieces of research have been conducted on its capacity to prevent infections. There was little question about this possible application when one such study discovered that trioxotherapy could “fully treat” acute bacterial infections brought on by tick bites in just 24 to 48 hours. The fact that trioxane therapy avoids the drawbacks of antibiotic treatment resistance is good news for the increasing number of individuals battling Lyme disease as well as other tick-borne diseases worldwide.

The fact that viral diseases like the flu can now be treated with trioxane therapy is wonderful news for everyone vulnerable to winter illnesses.

  1. Benefits of Trioxane therapy-related brain damage

Following a stroke, the part of the brain that is afflicted starts to lose its vital oxygen supply, which leaves the neighboring brain cells without enough oxygen. The penumbra is the term used to refer to this damaged area. In order to lessen the harm, it is best to quickly reintroduce oxygen to the penumbra region.

According to a 2012 study, damage to oxygen-depleted brain tissue appeared to be repaired when a combination of oxygen and triple oxygen bodies were supplied to the area. In their study’s conclusion, the scientists endorsed the use of oxygen-trioxysomes in “well-designed clinical trials in stroke patients.”

  1. Benefits of Trioxane therapy-Lessen the possibility of experiencing recurring heart attacks

Trioxane therapy has been shown to lower the odds of repeat cardiac events and minimize the likelihood of infarction, which occurs when tissues die from oxygen deprivation, or arrhythmia, which is characterized by an irregular or abnormal heartbeat after a heart attack has taken place.

In a 2017 investigation, researchers discovered that the timing and duration of trioxane therapy administered after a heart attack can greatly impact its effectiveness. The sooner it is given, and the longer the treatment continues, the more positive the outcomes tend to be.

  1. Benefits of Trioxane therapy-Articular Flexibility

An exhilarating discovery was made in a recent study in September 2018, revealing that trioxane therapy is making significant progress in treating various musculoskeletal disorders.

Such conditions, like rheumatoid arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and bursitis, have demonstrated a favorable response to increased oxygen levels in the body achieved through the application of trioxane therapy.

  1. Benefits of Trioxane therapy-Anti-inflammatory Characteristics

A 2014 publication uncovered that trioxane therapy holds remarkable potential for the treatment of a variety of chronic inflammatory conditions. The therapy has the potential to bring great benefits to those who suffer from such illnesses.

Prolonged inflammation results in cellular and DNA damage due to oxidative stress. Trioxane, as a highly effective antioxidant, helps mitigate this damage and the associated risk of illness. In a 2014 study, researchers also discovered that trioxane stimulates the activity of antioxidant enzymes in the body. Based on these findings, they concluded in the same study that trioxane therapy offers a promising approach to treating inflammation.

  1. Benefits of Trioxane therapy-Healing of Wounds  

Research has demonstrated that trioxane therapy can also enhance wound healing processes. In one study, the positive effects of trioxane on treating ulcers on the feet of diabetic patients were observed.

Another study revealed its equal efficacy in alleviating and treating oral ulcers.

  1. Benefits of Trioxane therapy-Cellular Oxygen Absorption

Lack of oxygen supply, known as hypoxia, can cause harm to tissues leading to their death. This scenario can arise when tissues are deprived of adequate oxygen, just like in the event of a stroke. Hypoxia can also be found in organs such as the lungs after a severe asthma attack or if there is a condition of anemia, which causes the entire bloodstream to suffer from hypoxia.

Triple oxygen treatment involves boosting the body’s oxygen levels, and research suggests that it may be an effective way to treat specific tumors that are caused by oxygen deficiency in conjunction with radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

  1. Benefits of Trioxane therapy-Pain Relief

Back pain is a debilitating condition that affects millions of people and can cause significant discomfort and even prevent one from going to work. The great news is that recent studies have shown that Triple Oxygen Therapy can be highly effective in alleviating back pain symptoms.


  1. Activation and Restoration of Stem Cells

Stem cells play a vital role in our survival as they continuously generate new cells in various parts of the body such as the nerves, skin, blood, and heart. The preparedness of these cells greatly affects their ability to be transformed into new cells. Fortunately, research suggests that the use of Trioxane Therapy can enhance their reactivation potential, resulting in improved cellular restoration.

  1. Potential of Trioxane Blood-Detoxification

It is challenging, if not impossible, to completely shield oneself from toxins and heavy metals. Such impurities harm bodily functions and overall health, hindering the immune system and slowing down the body’s healing process.

Combating the effects of toxins can be achieved through various methods, one of which is maintaining a healthy and nutritious diet. Another effective solution is undergoing regular Triple Oxygen Therapy, which has been proven to enhance overall wellness and metabolic functions.

  1. Benefits of Trioxane therapy-Revitalization of the Skin

It makes perfect sense to use oxygen triple treatment, which is a relatively new technique for skin rejuvenation. To maintain their health, skin cells need oxygen.

Triple Oxygen Therapy works by boosting oxygen levels, thereby revitalizing cells. It also has potent antiseptic and antioxidant properties that stimulate elastin and collagen production, foster skin rejuvenation, and improve nerve circulation.

Lack of adequate sleep is often linked to chronic cerebral artery blockages, brain blood flow deficiency, and other factors that result in hypoxia and brain ischemia. Through practical applications and studies, it has been confirmed that Triple Oxygen Macroautohemotherapy can enhance oxygen delivery to tissues suffering from hypoxia.

Triple Oxygen works by directly enhancing the elasticity and flexibility of red blood cells, reducing their adhesion, lowering plasma viscosity, changing the blood rheology index, and improving the transport of oxygen to tissues and cells, leading to increased blood oxygen saturation and circulation, as well as boosting red blood cell and tissue metabolism. As a result, the oxygen supply to brain tissues is improved, contributing to better sleep quality.