Exploring the benefit of Ozone Therapy as a Treatment for Various Diseases
We are all aware of how crucial the ozone layer is in protecting us from dangerous UV rays. However, ozone gas is also employed in a variety of medical procedures. Ozone therapy is a form of alternative medicine that was first developed in Germany. In ozone therapy, ozone is supplied via a variety of channels, including autohemotherapy, rectal, ear, or nasal insufflations, parenteral, and topical routes. Ozone therapy is used to treat a variety of clinical conditions, including cancer, aging, lumbar disc herniation, infected wounds, geriatric conditions, muscular degeneration, atherosclerosis and IAD, periodontitis, diabetes mellitus, Parkinson’s disease, energy enhancement, lung diseases, EBOLA, and others. Ozone therapy, which is also used in cosmetics, has several drawbacks, including eye burning, nausea, vomiting, Herxheimer reaction, discomfort, and flu-like symptoms, among others.
benefit of Ozone Therapy -introduction
Christian Friedrich Schonbein discovered ozone in 1840 while studying the voltaic pile in oxygen. Ozone is represented by the symbol O3 since it is a triatomic molecule. The word “Ozone” itself implies “adorent.” The word “ozone” means “adorent.” It is formed naturally and continuously in the stratosphere which is found at an altitude of 50,000 to 100,000 feet. It is a gas with a molecular weight of 47.98 g/mol and pale blue color that condenses into a deep blue liquid. The density of this is 1.6 times that of oxygen, and its water solubility is 10 times greater. Ozone is produced through a natural process that involves photo-dissociation of molecular oxygen (O2) into an activated oxygen atom (O). Molecular oxygen and the activated oxygen atom then interact further. Medical grade ozone is made up of pure O2 and O3 in a ratio of 0.1% to 5% of O3 and 95% to 99.5% of O2. O3 has a half-life of 40 minutes at 200C. Ozone is a gas that is unstable and quickly releases the nascent oxygen molecule, making it useful in medicine. O3 has numerous harmful consequences, but it also has many beneficial ones. Ozone therapy first became popular in Germany about a century ago.
It is currently frequently used throughout Europe, Germany, Russia, Italy, France, and India. Ozone therapy – the non-surgical alternative medical treatment, increases the body’s supply of oxygen by administering O3 through several methods. This treatment may assist to lessen blood cell clotting, cleanse the liver, reduce uric acid levels in the body, improve circulation and oxygen delivery, eradicate bacteria, fungus, and viruses, and also boosting WBC activity. In an ozone therapy research conducted by the German Medical Society in the 1980s, results from approximately 5579238 treatments involving 644 therapists and 384775 patients were evaluated. Of these, only 0.00007% (40 cases) of negative effects were reported. Ozone is one of the safest medical treatments currently accessible, according to statistics.
benefit of Ozone TherapyOzone Generation
- UV Lamp Type
The generators produce ozone at a concentration of 0.5% or less using a light source that produces narrow bond UV light with a wavelength of around 185 nm, but they are less expensive than corona discharge generators and consume less electricity. Nitrous oxide is not produced as a byproduct.
Ozone must only be created when necessary and used immediately because it is so unstable. An ozone generator that is secure, non-toxic, and repeatable is required for the ozone therapist. Instruments must be made of ozone-resistant material. There are many ozone generators available; however, there are three primary types:
· Corona Discharge Type
This kind of generator uses high voltage electric fields, commonly known as corona discharge tubes. They employ ambient as the source of oxygen and are economically efficient. Ozone from these generators has a concentration of 3-6%. A product of this action is nitrous oxide.
In these kinds of generators, oxygen gas is exposed to the plasma produced by dielectric barrier discharge. Ozone is produced in these generators at a maximum concentration of 5% by breaking the oxygen molecule O2 into more reactive oxygen molecules, which combine to form a molecule of ozone.
Ozone Dose Calculation:
The following factors are used to compute ozone dose:
a) The total volume of the oxygen-and-ozone gas combination.
b) The concentration of ozone is represented as μg/ml.
c) Barometric pressure (mmHg), in case it differs from normal. (For safety reasons, hyperbaric pressure must be avoided.)
The total ozone dose = Gas volume x Ozone concentration.
Ozone concentration is expressed by European generators in terms of g/ml, and the range of 1-100 is adequate for medical application.

Process of Ozone Action
Ozone reacts with blood in a variety of ways, hitting various targets and starting a chain reaction that has several health benefits for the body. When biomolecules are exposed to ozone, one reactive oxygen species (ROS) molecule, primarily hydrogen peroxide, and two molecules of a lipid oxidation product (LOP) are produced. In the blood, ROS interact with erythrocytes and vanish. Early phase reaction, often known as an early reaction, is temporary. In various parts of the body, LOPs are transported to tissues and interact with receptors. They experience a significant dilution in the circulatory system. This reaction which takes a longer duration is known as a late phase reaction.
R-CH=CH-R + O3 + H2O → R-CH=O + R-CH=O + H2O2
Ozone therapy’s therapeutic effects are explained by the following mechanism:
- Ozone makes more oxygen, glucose, and ATP available and easier to distribute to ischemic tissue.
- Ozone facilitates the placement of bone marrow stem cells at the lesion site, which can lead to angiogenesis, neovascularization, and tissue regeneration.
- It triggers the neurohormonal response that enhances the quality of life.
- It increases the expression of antioxidant enzymes, resulting in Oxygenase-I, and prolongs the benefits of preconditioning.
benefit of Ozone Therapy -Ozone administration routes
- AutoHemotherapy: Approximately 250 ml of anticoagulant-treated blood is collected, ozonized outside the body, and then gently injected back into the animal’s body over the course of 15 minutes. The body’s homeostasis is preserved in this way.
- Insufflations: Ozone gas insufflation is done through body cavities such as the ear canal, vagina, and rectal. Most often, rectal insufflations are used.
- Ozone Bagging: This technique involves pumping an ozone-resistant bag with an O2-O3 mixture around the region that has to be treated. Ozone treats superficial lesions through skin absorption.
- Ozonated Oil: Oil serves as the ozone carrier. Examples of oil that can be used include olive, sesame, or sunflower oil. Ozone is bubbled before it forms a gel-like consistency.
- Ozone Blanket:It is employed in treating numerous local and systemic disorders. This technique involves wrapping the animal’s entire body with a blanket made of ozonated silicon.
- External Administration of Ozone:It involves the use of ozonated saline, ointments, vegetable oil, antiseptics, etc.
- Parenteral methods: It involvesozone injections into the subcutaneous tissue, intramuscular injections into the spinal column, and intravenous infusions.
- Enteral method: This procedure entails ingesting ozonated distilled water and irrigating the intestines with it.
- Steam Sauna: The term “Steam Sauna” refers to a steam or ozone bath. It purifies the lymphatic system, pores, and skin.
- Body Suit: The patient first takes a warm or hot shower to open the skin’s pores, and then they immediately put on the body suit. To prevent ozone leakage, the bodysuit needs to be sealed at the wrists and ankles.
1 | Rectal Insufflation | 30 – 45 ug/ml | 125 CC ozone for beginners increase to 250 cc ozone slowly | <1 time /Day 1-5 times /Week |
2 | Bagging for Wound Healing | 60-90 ug/ml to sterilize the wound & drop to 30-40 ug/ml to heal it | 10-30 minutes | |
3 | Vaginal Insufflation | 25-30 ug/ml | 5-15 minutes per treatment | <1 time /Day 2-3 times /Week |
4 | Ear Insufflation | 15-30 ug/ml | 2-5 minutes per treatment | <1 time /Day 2-3 times /’Week |
5 | Ozone Sauna | 30-40ug/ml | 10-30 minutes per treatment | <1 time /Day |
6 | Body Suit | 25-30 ug/ml | 15 minutes for beginners increase to 15-40 minutes slowly | <1 time /Day 2-3 times /Week |
7 | Intra Articular therapy | 10-30 ug/ml | 2 CC at 10 ug/mL for begginners increase to 10 CC and higher concentration slowly | 2 times /Week |
8 | Ozone drinking water | 20-80 ug/ml | 0. 5L water: 5—10 mins bubbling 1L water: 15-20 mins bubbling beginners start from low concentration | 2 L /Day |
9 | Major Autohemotherapy | 78 ug/ml | 125-200 cc ozone for 125-200 cc blood | |
NOTE: 1. For Bagging or Body Suit, the ozone must be humidified (run through water) first 2. For Vaginal Isufflation, it should not be close to, or during the time of menstruation | ||||
Notice: Please ask your ozone doctor for exact advice before doing the ozone therapy and dosage
benefit of Ozone Therapy -Treatment of Patients with Ozone in Medical and Surgical Settings:
It has been suggested that ozone can treat a number of illnesses. The following fields of medicine can benefit from ozone therapy:
Gerontology | Infectiology | Orthopedics |
Gastroenterology | Hepatology | Rheumatology |
Dermatology | Gynecology | Stomatology |
Dentistry | Intensive therapy | Pneumology |
Cosmetology | Neurology | Urology |
Cardiology | Oncology | Angiology |
benefit of Ozone Therapy -Here are a few diseases that ozone therapy has been used to treat
- Cancer:Ozone is inhibitory to cancer. As a result, rapidly proliferating cells divert their attention from manufacturing the enzymes required to protect themselves against ozone to growing new tissue, which means that ozone slows the creation of new tissue. Ozone inhibits cancer cells which multiply quickly if left.
- Aging:Ozone therapy is used to cure premature and early aging.
- Lumbar Disk Herniation:Preganglionic injections of steroids combined with intradiscal and preganglionic injections of medical ozone improve the overall effectiveness of treatment for disc herniation pain. If conservative management hasn’t worked for your lumbar disc herniation, oxygen-ozone therapy may be able to help.
- Infected wounds:Ozone is used to treat burns, bedsores, and open leg ulcers. According to clinical studies, ozone helps even the most severe cases get better.
- Circulatory Disorders:Ozone therapy is highly effective in treating arterial circulation diseases, which are marked by leg pain when walking, a feeling of heaviness, and coldness.
- Geriatric Conditions:Ozone has a general rejuvenating ability. Therefore, it can be used to treat conditions like poor focus, forgetfulness, a general reduction in mental and physical performance, insecurity when walking, and clinical vertigo and dizziness.
- Macular Degeneration:Ozone is used to strengthen eyesight that has become impaired with aging owing to retinal separation.
- Intestinal Conditions:Rectal insufflation of ozone is used to treat the inflammatory disorders of the big and small intestines known as fistulas.
- Periodontitis:Periodontitis is an infectious, debilitating condition that affects the teeth’s supporting tissue and is brought on by bacteria. One of the current non-drug approaches to treating periodontal disease is ozone therapy.
- Atherosclerosisand Ischemic heart disease: It has been determined that ozone has a hypolipidemic impact. It turns on the antioxidant defense system, gets rid of lipoprotein toxicity, and lessens their ability to enter the vessel wall. Ozone can therefore treat IHDS and atherosclerosis.
- Diabetes mellitus:Ozone enhances glucose penetration across cell membranes. This is done by promoting the pentose phosphate pathway and aerobic glycolysis, as is the case in diabetes mellitus.
- Parkinson’s disease:Tremor, bradykinesia, postural instability, and gait disturbance can all be treated with ozone therapy.
- Energy Enhancement:Ozone promotes glycolysis, which in turn improves the body’s generation of ATPs and boosts energy.
- Lung Diseases:Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bronchial asthma are two lung conditions that are treated with ozone.
- Hemorrhagicfever (Ebola): Ozone therapy may be a potential treatment option for EVD and other viral infections because the Ebola virus may have a very little window of redox infectivity capacity that may be easily exploited.
- Cosmetology:Ozone therapy is used in cosmetology to cure acne, pimples, and other skin and hair issues.
Side Effects: If you are a really sensitive individual, inhaling ozone accidentally could give you a minor headache, vomiting, coughing, or eye burning. When administered intrarectally, ozone may cause pain, gurgling, or moderate cramping. Patients who experience this Herxheimer response may occasionally experience flu-like symptoms.
Ozone Therapy Future Directions
The recent finding that ozone is generated in the body as a basic immunological defense against harmful organisms presents fascinating conceptual and research avenues for the clinical application of ozone in medicine.
Numerous case studies, research papers, and reviews on ozone therapy have been published up to this point. Today, many different ailments are treated using ozone. This article offers a concise overview of the nature of ozone, its administration, dose, mechanism of action on the body, and application in the treatment of numerous disorders. For reasons of safety, this article also emphasizes the drawbacks of ozone therapy.